Not for Profit
Not For Profit Campaign
Art Direction, Project Management, Go To Market Strategy, Graphic Design, Packaging Design, Copywriting
Gold Medal, 2022 PPPC Image Awards, Not For Profit
All artwork and ideas ©Rightsleeve Marketing Inc.
In honour of Canada’s inaugural National Day of Truth and Reconciliation, First Nations-owned and operated Birch Bark Coffee Co. collaborated with Rightsleeve Marketing Inc. to create a special blend of Birch Bark coffee, to be sold to Rightsleeve’s corporate gifting clients, with all proceeds going to the Gord Downie and Chanie Wenjack Fund.
As Creative Director, I managed the design of custom food packaging, digital advertising, a direct-mail email campaign, social media content, and a custom website. I also art directed a series of 3D animations and digital stickers by 3D artist Keith McLeod.
Raising thousands for the DWF, this project also won a gold medal at the 2022 PPPC Image Awards, and led to a similar Red Dress Day campaign, and Orange Shirt Day 2022 campaign.