Grants and Gratitude

This year has been such a roller coaster, filled with major highs and major lows, and everything in between. It's been really tough to keep up with writing my new book while supporting my debut novel, and working a full time job! How do normal, non-superhero people do this??

But some relief has arrived in the form of grants from both the Ontario Arts Council and the Canada Council for the Arts. I'm so grateful that these agencies exist, and that I have been chosen to receive grants that will allow me to take the time I need to complete this new book with the care and patience it deserves.

I would very much like to acknowledge funding support from the Ontario Arts Council, an agency of the Government of Ontario, as well as the support of the Canada Council for the Arts.

With help from these two great Canadian agencies, I hope to have a spooky new book completed for you very soon!

Ontario Arts Council logo.
Canada Council for the Arts logo

2019 White Pine Award Honour Book!


The Music The Inspired Black Chuck